C. S. Lewis Journal

Here you will find the journal entries I have written in response to various books I have read, written by C. S. Lewis. In particular, these are in response to the HON 303R course requirement.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

The Trouble with "X"

I shared this... "essay?" with my wife today.

The switch of "X" from some other person to oneself really comes full circle in the last paragraph, where it C. S. Lewis says "...not even God with all His power, can make 'X' really happy as long as 'X' remains envious, self-centered, and spiteful". As we read that sentence in class together, no part of it seemed to refer to the original 'X', but directly to me. Not that I see myself as especially spiteful or anything like that, it just seemed that Lewis meant for it to have turned on us like that, and he did a marvelous job.

Proud poster of the first message :)