The 4 Loves
I only read the last chapter, the one on Charity. These are the highlights that I explained to my wife when she explained what the chapter was about:
First, that there is a charity that is the love of giving. When we give, we play the role of Christ and do as he would do if he were here. It is Christ-like to give and to love unconditionally.
Second, that there is a charity that is the love of receiving. You recall that in the story of the Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief the man in need was actually Christ, rather than the Christ playing the role of the giver. You see, in the play of a needy person and a giving person, Christ plays both roles. And we need to receive in a Christ-like way just as much as we need to give in a Christ-like way. We mortals love to believe that God loves us because we are somehow remarkable in our own unique way--that we are worthy of merit. Much more certain is that God loves us because He is Love. God loves us because we are His children, not because we have earned His love. We need to be satisfied with being loved merely for that sake, and not make believe that we can earn it.
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