C. S. Lewis Journal

Here you will find the journal entries I have written in response to various books I have read, written by C. S. Lewis. In particular, these are in response to the HON 303R course requirement.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Letters to Arthur Greeves

From The Essential C. S. Lewis, pp. 51-56:

In the last letter to Arthur, Jack shares how he came to find Christianity reasonable (before he came to believe in it himself). He apparently was having difficulty believing in the story because he could not grasp the story enough to understand it. And "you can't believe a thing while you are ignorant what the thing is." He asks a question that I have asked many times: "What I couldn't see was how the life and death of Someone Else (whoever he was) 2000 years ago could help us here and now--except in so far as his example helped us." Good question!

He finds his answer by learning to see the Christ story as a myth. Not a myth in the sense that it is not true, but a myth in the style of writing, and in the events that transpired. I'm not sure I come to the same conclusion he does, but that's ok. At the end of his last letter, after explaining his mythic view of Christianity, he states, "I am ... nearly certain that it really happened."


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